Different posture of yoga can be practiced during pregnancy but stretching is most beneficial. These yoga postures help to prevent the back pain which is experienced commonly during pregnancy. Practice the yoga postures which are prescribed by doctor.

Yoga tips during pregnancy
Following tips can be applied for yoga during pregnancy:

1. Experienced trainer
Always go to an experienced trainer during pregnancy who has the complete knowledge of yoga.

2. Sickness
Yoga helps to reduce the morning sickness, nausea and the mood swings as well.

3. Relief of pain
Practicing yoga can relief pain during pregnancy. It also helps in the relief of pain during the birth of the baby.

4. Peace and inner strength
Yoga gives peace and inner strength to pregnant women.

5. Important position of yoga
The most beneficial pose of yoga during pregnancy is Bidalasana. It relieves lower back pain, improves digestion, increases the blood circulation and provides sufficient space for the movement of baby.

6. Wrong position
Never try a wrong position of yoga; it can harm you and your baby.

7. Repositioning the baby
Yoga helps to reposition the baby if it is necessary.

8. Raise energy level
Yoga helps to raise the energy of the women’s body.

9. Release tension around birth canal
It helps to reduce the tension around birth canal.

10. Natural birth
It helps in the natural birth of the baby, prepares the pelvis for the natural child birth.

11. Meeting other pregnant women
If you take yoga classes during pregnancy you will have a chance to meet other pregnant ladies, to talk with them and discuss about the queries, different conditions and the confusions.

12. Reduction of stress
Yoga also helps to reduce the stress during pregnancy.

13. Improves digestive system
Yoga increases the rate of digestion in pregnant women.

14. Reduces gastric problems
Yoga helps to enhance the proper functioning of abdomen that reduces the gastric problems. Gastric problems are common during pregnancy.

15. Improves the immune system of the body
Immune system of women becomes weak during pregnancy. They easily catch the viral and the other diseases but practicing yoga during pregnancy can make the immune system strong and more defensive against diseases.

16. Breathing exercise
Yoga is a best source of breathing exercise. It helps in breathing easily, in taking long breathes which is highly required at the time of delivery.

Post delivery benefits
Yoga benefits after the delivery too.

1. It helps in shaping back the figure of women.

2. It maintains weight of the body.

3. Yoga also helps to make muscles strong.

4. Restore uterus, abdomen and the pelvis.

5. Relieves back pain.

6. Relieves breast discomfort.

So yoga gives peace of mind and body. Its life enhancing qualities is very beneficial for pregnant women. Yoga is a blessing for reducing complications during pregnancy and it is very helpful in copying with the pregnancy’s issues.

Here are some tips which help you to keep yourself and your baby healthy during pregnancy

You have to drink enough water which is the best way to keep yourself hydrated during pregnancy and help with no end with shin elasticity and constipation. You must drink 3 to 4 pints per days which are highly recommended. Sometime you can take juice however drink fresh water as your main fluid. Soda, coffee is not allowed during pregnancy. You must try to be particular about eating a well-balanced meal and don’t fill yourself up with empty calories.
You must have good diet habit that can help you to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy newborn baby. You must be physically active in a moderate way to help you feel more comfortable in 9 months period that will help you in getting easier delivery. You must have to talk to your doctor about during your pregnancy how much weight you should gain.
You have to avoid smoking and alcohol during pregnancy. Some people have habit of smoking but keep in mind that it could affect your pregnancy and your baby.
You have to get prenatal care when you are pregnant. It is important to see your doctor regularly throughout pregnancy, so be sure to keep all your prenatal care appointments.
Pregnancy is hard work, so sleeping is an important matter during your pregnancy. One of the malicious realities is that a good night’s sleep during pregnancy remains vague, if it is not impossible for most pregnant women, at some point during their pregnancy. While you might not be able to sleep like a baby, there are some ways you have to improve your chances for better sleep during pregnancy. During pregnancy period sleeping on your back might harm your back so it is suggested that you have to sleep on your side and if possible in your left side where this position make sure optimal oxygen flow to your baby.

During your pregnancy you have to take 1,000 mcg (1 mg) of folic acid every day. Folic acid can help avert problems with your baby’s brain and spinal cord. It is the best to start taking folic acid before you get pregnant.
Before taking any medicine you have to check with your doctor, including pain killer or other over-the-counter medicines. The medicines which even you buy without a prescription may cause birth defects, especially if it is taken during the first 3 months of pregnancy.
During pregnancy there are many health problems and one of then is high blood pressure. This is a serious issue and becomes more serious if your age is less than 20 or more than 40.You must have to take care of your blood pressure even if you are in between 20 to 40.
Health care is very important but often oral health is passing over at the time of pregnancy. In order to develop completely, your baby obtained all kinds of nutrients from the Mother’s diet. Calcium is one of the most important for proper growth and development of the Baby’s bones and teeth. Similarly, proper amounts of vitamin D are also required to help in maximum calcium absorption during pregnancy.
During your pregnancy you must get a relaxing habit for yourself. Try to spend some time reading everyday in your pregnancy period because reading is a relaxing activity. But read only those things which are light and interesting and avoid stressing books. Pick up some lighthearted books or even the books of jokes. That will influence your baby so always keep this in mind. The other activity that you can do during pregnancy is listen to soft and soothing music and take the chance to relax yourself and kill the stress during pregnancy.
It is important that during your pregnancy you have to take proper care of your skin and hair. You have to make the habit of cleaning your skin both morning and night and ensure that you do this consistently. For this you have to Use suitable skin care and hair products. Because pregnancy has the potential to affect your skin and sometimes hair, you don’t ever ignore about these things during pregnancy.
Exercise is very important during pregnancy. For a healthy pregnancy it is very important that you have to do Walking, Swimming and prenatal yoga that are great ways to keep in shape and prepare for a more natural birth.
Oil your Belly, Boobs and Bum with coconut oil because it is the best choice. And you have to make sure that keep these areas nice and oiled and to avoid stretch marks and dry itchy skin.
Pregnancy is an important stage and the best period of life. All women want to have healthy pregnancy. So you have to take care of yourself and your baby during pregnancy. Now the Practice and make changes for the betterment of your family.

Tips for Healthy Pregnancy

1. Protein
Try to consume 60-80 Grams of Protein daily. If you expecting twins then you need more.

Protein helps to develop the baby’s body Tissues. Chicken, Meat, Fish, Eggs, Yogurt, Milk, Cheese, Beans and Peanut Butter is the source of Protein.

2. Iron
Try to eat Leafy Green Vegetables like Spinach, Broccoli etc, Meat and Strawberries. They are the good source of Iron.

A Pregnant woman needs an extra Iron in their diet because the blood’s Volume increases. Deficiency of Iron can also develop Anemia. If the level of Iron is low in the Blood, go for Iron supplements.

3. Calcium
Pregnant women should consume Calcium rich food. Milk, Cheese, Yogurt are the good source of Calcium and they contain Proteins too. In this way you get two important nutrients from these things.

Calcium is very important for the growth of baby’s Bones. If the baby does not receive the sufficient amount of Calcium, it will start taking Calcium from the mother’s bones for its development.

4. Folate
Folate is an essential nutrient for a pregnant woman. It is present in Vitamins. Eggs, Green vegetables and Citrus Fruits are a good source of Folate. Folate is also found in Bread and Cereals.

Pregnant women should carefully add this nutrient in their food. It will decrease the risk of Neural Tube defect in the baby.

5. Fruits and vegetables
Try to add fruits and vegetables in every meal of yours.

Fruits and vegetables are the good source of Vitamins and Minerals and if anyone is not getting sufficient amount of Vitamins and Minerals they can get them from fruits and vegetables.

6. Intake of Fluids
Pregnant women should at least go for 8 glasses of water a day. Try to consume a sufficient amount of Milk and Water every day.

Intake of fruit juices is also good but not better than Milk and Water. Try to avoid the use of Soda and other drinks containing Carbon and Caffeine.

Snacks are good to eat between meals to fill in the gaps. If anyone has the morning sickness or experience Heart Burn they should go for healthy snacks. Healthy snacks will also help them to get Nutrients which are missed.

Try to go for healthy snacks, some are listed below:

1. Yogurt
It is a good source of Calcium, Fiber and Protein.

2. Trail mix
Try to make your Trail Mix with the ingredients like Cereal, Nuts, dried fruits, Cream and fresh fruits. Take it along with you if you go for run, Yoga or an exercise.

3. Salad
Make a salad with different fresh vegetables for a snack to be eaten between meals. You can also add fruits in it. Try to add vegetables like Spinach, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Baby Corns and Baby Carrots etc.

One can go for fruits and Russian salads too.

4. Cheese snacks
One can go for Cheese snacks too. Cheese snacks contain Calcium and Protein in it. Cheese snack will also be a good instant snack.

Foods to be avoided
1. Seafood
Pregnant women should avoid eating the fish which contains Mercury it. Fishes like Shark, Tile Fish and Sword Fish contains Mercury in it.

Some doctors say that for healthy pregnancy pregnant women should use Tuna Fish in a limited amount and some says that they should not go for Tuna at all. If one goes for Tuna, they should go for Chunk Light over Solid White because it contains more Mercury.

Raw seafood like Sushi should be avoided because it contains Bacteria in it which is dangerous for the mother and the baby both.

2. Caffeine
Try to limit the intake of Caffeine during Pregnancy. More than 4 servings of Caffeine each day can lead to Miscarriages and Premature Birth of babies. Tea, Coffee, Soda and Chocolates all contain Caffeine in it.

3. Soft Cheese
Try to avoid using Soft Cheese like Feta and Brie during Pregnancy because they develop Bacteria. Bacteria can be harmful for the development of baby. One should go for Hard Cheese. It is safe and is a good source of Calcium.

4. Alcohol
Some experts say that Pregnant Ladies should limit Alcohol to 1 glass occasionally while others say that Pregnant Ladies should say no to Alcohol. Too much use of Alcohol can lead to Birth Defects and Learning Disabilities.

5. Undercooked Meat
If you are Pregnant, try to avoid undercooked Meat. Undercooked meat contains Salmonella or e Coli which can be harmful for you and your baby’s health. Whenever you eat meat make sure that it is thoroughly cooked.

Exercise is very important during pregnancy. For a healthy pregnancy it is very important that you have to do Walking, Swimming and prenatal yoga that are great ways to keep in shape and prepare for a more natural birth.
Oil your Belly, Boobs and Bum with coconut oil because it is the best choice. And you have to make sure that keep these areas nice and oiled and to avoid stretch marks and dry itchy skin.
Pregnancy is an important stage and the best period of life. All women want to have healthy pregnancy. So you have to take care of yourself and your baby during pregnancy. Now the Practice and make changes for the betterment of your family.

You have to drink enough water which is the best way to keep yourself hydrated during pregnancy and help with no end with shin elasticity and constipation. You must drink 3 to 4 pints per days which are highly recommended. Sometime you can take juice however drink fresh water as your main fluid. Soda, coffee is not allowed during pregnancy. You must try to be particular about eating a well-balanced meal and don’t fill yourself up with empty calories.
You must have good diet habit that can help you to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy newborn baby. You must be physically active in a moderate way to help you feel more comfortable in 9 months period that will help you in getting easier delivery. You must have to talk to your doctor about during your pregnancy how much weight you should gain.
You have to avoid smoking and alcohol during pregnancy. Some people have habit of smoking but keep in mind that it could affect your pregnancy and your baby.
You have to get prenatal care when you are pregnant. It is important to see your doctor regularly throughout pregnancy, so be sure to keep all your prenatal care appointments.
Pregnancy is hard work, so sleeping is an important matter during your pregnancy. One of the malicious realities is that a good night’s sleep during pregnancy remains vague, if it is not impossible for most pregnant women, at some point during their pregnancy. While you might not be able to sleep like a baby, there are some ways you have to improve your chances for better sleep during pregnancy. During pregnancy period sleeping on your back might harm your back so it is suggested that you have to sleep on your side and if possible in your left side where this position make sure optimal oxygen flow to your baby.

During your pregnancy you have to take 1,000 mcg (1 mg) of folic acid every day. Folic acid can help avert problems with your baby’s brain and spinal cord. It is the best to start taking folic acid before you get pregnant.
Before taking any medicine you have to check with your doctor, including pain killer or other over-the-counter medicines. The medicines which even you buy without a prescription may cause birth defects, especially if it is taken during the first 3 months of pregnancy.
During pregnancy there are many health problems and one of then is high blood pressure. This is a serious issue and becomes more serious if your age is less than 20 or more than 40.You must have to take care of your blood pressure even if you are in between 20 to 40.
Health care is very important but often oral health is passing over at the time of pregnancy. In order to develop completely, your baby obtained all kinds of nutrients from the Mother’s diet. Calcium is one of the most important for proper growth and development of the Baby’s bones and teeth. Similarly, proper amounts of vitamin D are also required to help in maximum calcium absorption during pregnancy.
During your pregnancy you must get a relaxing habit for yourself. Try to spend some time reading everyday in your pregnancy period because reading is a relaxing activity. But read only those things which are light and interesting and avoid stressing books. Pick up some lighthearted books or even the books of jokes. That will influence your baby so always keep this in mind. The other activity that you can do during pregnancy is listen to soft and soothing music and take the chance to relax yourself and kill the stress during pregnancy.
It is important that during your pregnancy you have to take proper care of your skin and hair. You have to make the habit of cleaning your skin both morning and night and ensure that you do this consistently. For this you have to Use suitable skin care and hair products. Because pregnancy has the potential to affect your skin and sometimes hair, you don’t ever ignore about these things during pregnancy.

· Have a family member for emotional support.
· Yogic postures like marjarasana, Namaskarasana, Sulabh utkatasana fascilitate labour.
· Keep Yogic breathing, Mukha dhauti is a very effective breathing pattern to release tensions and soften the process of labour. This can be practiced 5/6 times.

The intensity of pain varies from person to person. The more apprehensive and exitable person, the more is the feeling of pain. If person takes a philosophical and relaxed attitude saying, ”OK, this pain is inevitable, but it is temporary and I can cope up with it.” With yoga practice and meditation the intensity of pain reduces considerably. Yogic practices during pregnancy prepares the mind and body and take the person to a higher level of mind control.
Following Auto suggestions are repeated at the time of labour.
‘Something wonderful is going to happen today’
‘I am on a way to experiencing a happy motherhood’
‘The power of my mind and body are helping my baby come into this beautiful world.’
‘I am fully aware and relaxed.’

Postnatel Asanas

· Start with Leg raising exercises from 5 th day
· Hastha padangusthasana
· Konasana
· Hastapadasana
· Parvatasana
· Paschimottanasana
· Sarvangasana
· Halasana, Shalabhasana
· Makarasana